Partnering With Green Business Benchmark For A Better Tomorrow

Green Business Benchmark is a management software built for organizations to achieve greater sustainability knowledge, impact, and value. HIRSCH employs over 120 dedicated people who thrive in a company culture of sustainability, giving back, caring and are committed to doing their part for a better tomorrow.

View Our Profile & Progress Here

Carbon Reduction Planning & Responsibility

At HIRSCH, we are committed to doing our part when it comes to carbon emissions and have put an initiative in place to address our own impact on the environment and take ownership of our carbon footprint.

  • We are calculating our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions and now have a baseline.
  • Reduce our Scope 1 and Scope 2 emissions to carbon neutral by 2035.
  • Reduce our Scope 3 emissions by 50% within that same time frame.
It begins with us.
We are committed to focusing on our production policies and efforts to reduce emissions and overall carbon footprint. For our baseline year of 2023, we purchased RECs to account for 100% of our electricity usage.
Waste & Water Use Reduction Programs

Recycling requirements for all applicable boxes and shipping materials.

Automatic water reduction sensors installed within most restroom facilities and kitchen areas.

Innovations in the decoration process, moving the production of pad printing plates to a laser engraving process, which requires no water usage.

Brand Selection and Alignment

Over 70% of the brands that HIRSCH partners with have a public stance or policy on sustainability.

View our progress towards a more sustainable future by visiting our GBB profile page.